
Selected publications authored or co authored by Professor Paul Moxey

Blog Bad Audits – a problem with incentives March 6 2019

Blog Misleading company accounts  February 27 2019

Corporate Governance Study Text October 2018. 241 Pages. Study Text for ICSA Certificate in Corporate Governance.

Publication by Transparency International Incentivising Ethics: Managing Incentives to Encourage Good and Deter Bad Behaviour. October 2016

City AM article Don’t ignore the corporate culture challenge: Action and integrity at the top are critical. November 2014

Culture and channelling corporate behaviour . Here is the summary of findings, published in Autumn 2014, of a two year research project funded by ACCA and ESRC which involved surveys and focus discussions with business leaders in London, New York, Hong Kong, Dubai, Bangalore and Brussels. The report considers what drives corporate behaviour. Culture and Channelling Corporate Behaviour Summary of Findings. The report suggests a framework for boards to consider what sort of culture they want and where within an organisation. The full report is still to be published.

Creating value through governance: towards a new accountability.  Published in April 2014, this consultation suggests that the primary purpose of corporate governance should be to help ensure organisations create value with value considered in a broad sense to include economic, social and environmental value. It argues that present approaches to governance are not working well to achieve this aim. This is particularly the case in banking. A critical issue is that governance codes and regulations do not adequate address culture and people factors. It proposes an accountability framework which regulators and boards could use to ensure governance works better. Creating value through governance.

Capitalism and the concept of the ‘public good’. The article suggests that capitalism cannot exist without society, and society wants or needs capitalism to raise standards of well-being. In an ideal world there would be a yin-yang relationship between capitalism and society, where capitalism benefits society and society enables responsible capitalism to flourish.  There have been numerous high profile examples recently where corporations have been run seemingly without regard to society’s interests. As a possible remedy, the article proposes an additional reporting requirement for companies to report on how they contribute to the ‘public good’. Capitalism and the concept of the ‘public good’   Published by ACCA in April 2011 as part of a set of think pieces ‘Risk and Reward: Shared Perspectives  following  ACCA’s publication Risk and Reward Tempering the Pursuit of Profit written mainly by Paul Moxey.

Risk and reward: tempering the pursuit of profit. June 2010. The pursuit and achievement of profit, whether motivated by individual or corporate ends, does not necessarily correspond with the notion of sustainable ‘success’. The challenge for a responsible business is to find ways to ensure that the rewards it seeks are supported by sensible management of the risks that confront it. This report discusses the complex issues, particularly the ethical and behavioural factors, which must be addressed. The report also addresses the challenges for regulators in balancing the demands of politicians for companies that create jobs while not posing too many risks and intense pressures from corporations and their lobbyists. Risk and Reward tempering the pursuit of profit.

Corporate governance and the credit crunch. Published in October 2008, very shortly after the demise of Lehman Brothers, this paper was one of the first to consider the causes of what was then called the Credit Crunch from a holistic and systems perspective. It did so by reference to 10 principles of governance which should be applicable to all organisations where there is a degree of separation between ownership and control. Corporate Governance and the Credit Crunch

 Corporate Governance and Wealth Creation.  A study in 2004 of links between governance and wealth creation including an attitude survey of UK listed company chairmen and CFOs. Corporate governance and wealth creation